尼日利亚的MNJTF用简易爆炸装置材料逮捕了恐怖主义嫌疑人,挫败了袭击计划。 MNJTF in Nigeria arrests suspected terrorist with IED materials, thwarting attack plans.
尼日利亚博尔诺州的MNJTF部队通过逮捕携带用于制造IED材料的Murktar Alhaji-Chari, 挫败了可能的IED攻击. MNJTF troops in Borno, Nigeria, thwarted a potential IED attack by arresting Murktar Alhaji-Chari, who was carrying materials for IED manufacturing. 在Gubio地方政府地区入口处的拦截行动中断了对MNJTF部队进行恐怖袭击的计划,削弱了该恐怖集团的行动能力。 The interception, at the entrance to Gubio Local Government Area, disrupted plans for a terrorist attack on MNJTF troops and weakened the terrorist group's operational capacity. 嫌疑人已被拘留,正在协助调查,因为多国联合特遣部队重申了其对打击该地区恐怖主义的承诺。 The suspect is in custody, assisting with investigations, as MNJTF reiterates its commitment to combating terrorism in the region.