一名30多岁的男子在Bicester购物公园被刺伤;一名嫌疑犯因企图谋杀而被捕。 A man in his 30s was stabbed at Bicester Shopping Park; a suspect was arrested for attempted murder.
一名30多岁的男子在2024年12月29日在比塞斯特购物公园被严重刺伤, 病情稳定. A man in his 30s was seriously stabbed at Bicester Shopping Park on December 29, 2024, and is in stable condition. 泰晤士河谷警察逮捕了一名来自上Arncott的34岁嫌疑人,涉嫌谋杀未遂,另有两名嫌疑人此前被逮捕并保释。 Thames Valley Police have arrested a 34-year-old suspect from Upper Arncott on suspicion of attempted murder, while two other suspects were previously arrested and released on bail. 据信与该事件相关的部分注册为CN69的黑色Volvo图像已公布。 An image of a black Volvo with partial registration CN69, believed linked to the incident, has been released. 警方说社区没有危险 受害者和嫌疑人互相认识 Police say the community is not at risk, and the victim and suspects know each other. 任何知道这辆车行踪的人都会被敦促与警方联系。 Anyone with information on the car's whereabouts is urged to contact the police.