马来西亚总理安瓦尔敦促公务员在会议中采取包容的“musyawarah”方针。 Malaysian PM Anwar urges civil servants to adopt inclusive 'musyawarah' approach in meetings.
马来西亚总理安瓦尔·易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)呼吁公务员在会议上采取更具包容性的做法,鼓励所有工作人员不分级别分享他们的意见。 Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia has called on civil servants to adopt a more inclusive approach in meetings, encouraging all staff to share their opinions regardless of rank. 这一称为“musyawarah”的方法旨在通过促进公共服务工作者的更广泛参与和讨论,提高服务效力。 This method, known as "musyawarah," aims to enhance service effectiveness by fostering broader participation and discussion among public service workers.