22岁的Isaiah Berry在报告他在Chattanouga杀害了一名男子后被指控犯有一级谋杀罪。 Isaiah Berry, 22, is charged with first-degree murder after reporting he killed a man in Chattanooga.
22岁的Isaiah Berry在向警方报告他开枪打死了Chattanooga的Glenwood Parkway一栋废弃公寓楼的55岁老人Alexander Newton后被指控犯有一级谋杀罪。 Isaiah Berry, 22, has been charged with first-degree murder after reporting to the police that he shot and killed a 55-year-old man, Alexander Newton, at an abandoned apartment complex on Glenwood Parkway in Chattanooga. 事件发生在1月2日凌晨2: 30左右, Berry在现场被捕。 The incident occurred around 2:30 am on January 2, and Berry was arrested at the scene. 警察正在继续调查,并设置了一条举报线,以获取更多信息。 The police are continuing their investigation and have set up a tip line for more information.