囚犯袭击了Racine县监狱的另一名囚犯,在除夕夜造成危及生命的伤害。 Inmate attacked another inmate at Racine County Jail, causing life-threatening injuries on New Year's Eve.
Racine县监狱一名35岁的囚犯在新年前夕遭到另一名囚犯的袭击,造成危及生命的伤势。 A 35-year-old inmate at Racine County Jail suffered life-threatening injuries in an assault by another inmate on New Year's Eve. 尽管一名惩戒干事完成了安全检查,但袭击发生在下午12时15分左右,持续时间不到一分钟。 Despite a corrections officer completing a safety check, the attack occurred around 12:15 p.m. and lasted less than a minute. 受害者被送往医院,袭击者被隔离。 The victim was rushed to a hospital, and the attacker has been segregated. 肯诺沙县郡警察局正在调查 The Kenosha County Sheriff's Department is investigating.