印度铁路委员会放宽了32,000个工作岗位的资格,允许10级与ITI或NAC考试通过。 India's Railway Board eases eligibility for 32,000 jobs, allowing Class 10 pass with ITI or NAC.
印度铁路委员会简化了1级职位的资格标准,使候选人更容易申请。 The Railway Board in India has simplified the eligibility criteria for Level-1 posts, making it easier for candidates to apply. 现在,持有10级文凭、ITI文凭或国家学徒证书(NAC)的个人符合资格。 Now, individuals with a Class 10 pass, an ITI diploma, or a National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) are eligible. 以前,候选人既需要10级通行证,也需要ITI文凭或NAC。 Previously, candidates needed both a Class 10 pass and either an ITI diploma or NAC. 这一改变的目的是增加合格申请人的人数,并将适用于所有未来的征聘,包括即将进行的大约32 000个职位征聘过程。 This change aims to increase the number of eligible applicants and will apply to all future recruitments, including the upcoming process for around 32,000 positions. 将从1月23日至2月22日接受申请。 Applications will be accepted from January 23 to February 22.