印度对半导体进行投资,创办技术大学培训熟练劳动力。 India invests in semiconductors, launching tech universities to train a skilled workforce.
印度政府由Ashwini Vaishnaw部长领导,旨在使印度成为半导体制造业的全球领先者,并正在投资培养熟练劳动力以满足工业需求。 India's government, led by Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, aims to make India a global leader in semiconductor manufacturing and is investing in a skilled workforce to meet industry demands. Vaishnaw为一所拥有12个地点(包括东北部各州5个)的NIELIT大学揭幕,使学生掌握技术技能。 Vaishnaw inaugurated NIELIT, a university with 12 locations, including five in the northeastern states, to equip students with tech skills. 与Tata电子公司的伙伴关系将加强半导体培训,侧重于技能中心和认证方案。 A partnership with Tata Electronics will enhance semiconductor training, focusing on skill centers and certification programs. 该倡议支持莫迪总理关于全球依赖印度制造半导体芯片的愿景。 The initiative supports Prime Minister Modi's vision of global reliance on Indian-made semiconductor chips.