印度将偏远的Ladakh边境地区与4G连接起来,加强了教育、保健和旅游业。 India connects remote Ladakh border areas to 4G, enhancing education, healthcare, and tourism.
印度军队与电信供应商一道,在5个月内将拉达赫的偏远边境地区,包括Kargil和Siachen,与4G移动网络连接起来。 The Indian Army, along with telecom providers, has connected remote border areas in Ladakh, including Kargil and Siachen, to 4G mobile networks within five months. 预计安装42个移动塔将改善在线教育、远程保健和经济机会,同时促进该区域的旅游业。 The installation of 42 mobile towers is expected to improve online education, remote healthcare, and economic opportunities, while also boosting tourism in the region. 这项倡议是印度到2047年发展偏远地区的国家愿景的一部分。 This initiative is part of India's national vision to develop remote areas by 2047.