Huntsville医院将ER搬到Gallatin街两年,因为扩建了150万加元。 Huntsville Hospital moves ER to Gallatin Street for two years due to a $150M expansion.
自1月11日起,阿拉巴马的Huntsville医院正在将急诊室入口从麦迪逊街迁至加拉廷街,由于1.5亿美元的塔楼扩建,工程期为两年。 Huntsville Hospital in Alabama is relocating its emergency room entrance from Madison Street to Gallatin Street starting January 11th for a two-year construction period due to a $150 million tower expansion. 该项目将增加154,000平方英尺的临床空间。 The project will add 154,000 square feet of clinical space. 位于麦迪逊街和加拉廷街之间的圣克莱尔大道将被关闭,标志将引导访客进入新入口。 St. Clair Avenue between Madison and Gallatin streets will be closed, and signs will direct visitors to the new entrance.