据Glastonbury节报道,2024年,利润翻了一番,达到590万英镑,并向慈善机构捐赠了520万英镑。 Glastonbury Festival reported doubled profits to £5.9 million and donated £5.2 million to charities in 2024.
在截至2024年3月的一年中,Glastonbury节的利润翻了一番以上,达到590万英镑,总收入高达20%至6 840万英镑。 Glastonbury Festival saw its profits more than double to £5.9 million in the year to March 2024, with overall revenue up 20% to £68.4 million. 尽管有人批评这个节日变得过于公司化,但该节向包括牛津救济会、绿色和平运动和水援助组织在内的慈善机构捐赠了520万英镑。 Despite criticism for becoming too corporate, the festival donated £5.2 million to charities including Oxfam, Greenpeace, and WaterAid. 它还为英国企业创造了大约1.68亿英镑。 It also generated an estimated £168 million for UK businesses. 组织者Michael Eavis把他的股份转给了女儿Emily, 节日计划在2026年秋天让农田恢复。 Organizer Michael Eavis transferred his shares to his daughter Emily, and the festival plans a fallow year in 2026 to let the farmland recover.