在休姆高速公路Coolac附近发生了四辆卡车的碰撞,一名司机丧生,并关闭了公路。 A four-truck collision near Coolac on the Hume Highway killed one driver and closed the highway.
4辆卡车在Coolac附近的Hume高速公路上发生致命碰撞,导致1月3日早些时候1名司机死亡。 A fatal collision involving four trucks on the Hume Highway near Coolac led to the death of one driver early on January 3. 坠机于凌晨1时45分左右发生,造成北向航道关闭和南向航道临时关闭。 The crash occurred around 1:45 am, causing the closure of the northbound lanes and a temporary closure of southbound lanes. 应急服务作出了反应,治疗了被送往医院测试的三名幸存司机。 Emergency services responded, treating the three surviving drivers who were taken to hospitals for testing. 预计这条公路将长期关闭,绕行大约50分钟的路程。 The highway is expected to remain closed for an extended period, with a detour adding about 50 minutes to the journey. 建议旅客查看 livetraffic.com 了解最新情况. Travelers are advised to check livetraffic.com for updates.