4名嫌疑人参与了明尼苏达州100 000美元的入室盗窃案;3名被捕,1名逃往墨西哥。 Four suspects involved in a $100,000 home burglary in Minnesota; three arrested, one fled to Mexico.
12 月 18 日,明尼苏达州谢伯恩县发生入室盗窃案,窃贼从一户被占用的房屋中偷走了超过 100,000 美元的现金,三名嫌疑人已被逮捕,一名嫌疑人在逃。 Three suspects have been arrested and one is at large after a burglary in Sherburne County, Minnesota, where thieves stole over $100,000 in cash from an occupied home on December 18. 家庭安保录像帮助查明了嫌疑人,追回36 000美元。 Home security footage helped identify the suspects, leading to the recovery of $36,000. Yonathan Gamboa Zambrano和Brandon Garcia-Becerril被羁押;后者据信已逃往墨西哥。 Yonathan Gamboa Zambrano and Brandon Garcia-Becerril are in custody; the latter is believed to have fled to Mexico. 另外两人,Carlos Veloz-Garcia和Jennifer Barrera Henriquez也被逮捕。 Two others, Carlos Veloz-Garcia and Jennifer Barrera Henriquez, were also arrested.