埃德蒙顿警方寻求公众的帮助, 确定与2024年6月致命的空房大火有关的人. Edmonton police seek public's help to identify men linked to fatal vacant house fire in June 2024.
Edmonton警方正在寻求公众帮助,以查明2024年6月在96街和105A大道附近一处空置房屋发生致命火灾时两名男子的身份。 Edmonton police are seeking public help to identify two men in connection with a fatal fire at a vacant house near 96th Street and 105A Avenue in June 2024. 火灾导致两名妇女死亡,发现她们身上有危及生命的伤势。 The fire led to the deaths of two women who were found with life-threatening injuries. 警方相信公众中有人可能知道这起事件, 并正在敦促任何有细节的人联系他们或犯罪制止者。 Police believe someone in the public may have information about the incident and are urging anyone with details to contact them or Crime Stoppers.