在一项有争议的板球决定中,印度队长维拉特·科利 (Virat Kohli) 在一次有争议的接球后没有被排除在外。 In a contentious cricket decision, Indian captain Virat Kohli was ruled not out after a disputed catch.
在印度和澳大利亚之间的第五场测试赛中,印度队长维拉特·科利 (Virat Kohli) 在史蒂夫·史密斯 (Steve Smith) 声称抓住了边缘时,在他的第一个球上勉强避免了被判罚出局。 In the fifth Test match between India and Australia, Indian captain Virat Kohli narrowly avoided being dismissed on his first ball when Steve Smith claimed to catch the edge. 裁判员审查了这次接球并排除了 Kohli 没有出局,因为回放表明球触地。 Umpires reviewed the catch and ruled Kohli not out, as replays suggested the ball touched the ground. 这一决定在板球专家之间引发了辩论,一些相信Kohli本来应该出去的,另一些人则认为这是一个密切的呼声。 This decision sparked debate among cricket experts, with some believing Kohli should have been out and others seeing it as a close call.