圣诞夜马尼托巴的交通停靠以坠毁、火灾和在高速追逐后被捕告终。 Christmas Eve traffic stop in Manitoba ends in a crash, fire, and arrests after a high-speed chase.
在圣诞节前夕,马尼托巴省Portage la Prairie的一个交通站升级为高速追逐,撞上了两辆警车,造成火灾。 On Christmas Eve, a traffic stop in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, escalated into a high-speed chase and crashed into two police cars, causing a fire. 两名女嫌疑犯是在撞伤一名警官和两名妇女之后被捕的,两人后来从医院获释。 The two female suspects were arrested after a collision that injured one officer and both women, who were later released from the hospital. 这名32岁的人面临指控,包括用武器袭击一名警官,而这名30岁的人则被指控逃离警察和抵抗一名警官。 The 32-year-old faces charges including assaulting a police officer with a weapon, while the 30-year-old is charged with flight from police and resisting an officer.