印度人民党领导人批评泰米尔纳德邦的DMK政府对大学袭击事件,呼吁举行正义抗议。 BJP leader criticizes Tamil Nadu's DMK government over university assault, calls for justice protests.
K. Annamalai就Anna大学性攻击案批评由首席部长姆卡·斯大林领导的DMK政府。 Tamil Nadu BJP chief K. Annamalai criticized the DMK government, led by Chief Minister MK Stalin, over the Anna University sexual assault case. Annamalai指控DMK在骚扰BJP成员时保护性犯罪人和犯罪分子。 Annamalai accused the DMK of protecting sexual offenders and criminal elements while harassing BJP members. 他还强调指出,针对妇女和儿童的犯罪有所增加。 He also highlighted a rise in crimes against women and children. BJP的妇女部计划举行抗议集会,要求伸张正义,但参与者被逮捕或软禁。 BJP's women's wing planned a protest rally demanding justice, but participants were arrested or placed under house arrest.