Skarsgård Bill Skarsgård 返回为Pennywith HBO的恐怖预言系列“IT:欢迎来到Derry”。 Bill Skarsgård returns as Pennywise for HBO’s horror prequel series "IT: Welcome to Derry."
Bill Skarsgard打算重新发挥他作为Pennywith的角色, 来研究HBO的“IT:欢迎来到Derry”, 这是探索小丑起源的前题系列。 Bill Skarsgard is set to reprise his role as Pennywise for HBO's "IT: Welcome to Derry," a prequel series exploring the clown's origins. Skarsgard在与导演Andy Muschietti讨论后同意返回。 Despite feeling "done" with the role after his portrayal in past films, Skarsgard agreed to return after discussions with director Andy Muschietti. 该系列以新的合唱团为特色,在恐怖方面被称为“相当核心”,并定于2025年首映HBO。 The series, featuring a new ensemble cast, is described as "pretty hardcore" in terms of horror and is scheduled to premiere on HBO in 2025.