孟加拉国一家法院拒绝保释印度教领袖Krishna Das Prabhu, 被控在少数人权利抗议中煽动叛乱。 A Bangladeshi court denies bail to Hindu leader Krishna Das Prabhu, charged with sedition amid minority rights protests.
孟加拉国一家法院拒绝为印度教领袖Krishna Das Prabhu保释, A Bangladeshi court has denied bail for Hindu leader Krishna Das Prabhu, who led protests demanding better security for minority groups. Prabhu在Chattograph组织集会后, 面对煽动暴动的指控, 印度教团体声称自从世俗政府被推翻后, 发生了数千起攻击事件。 Prabhu faces sedition charges after organizing rallies in Chattogram, where Hindu groups claim thousands of attacks have occurred since the secular government was overthrown. 法院以担心潜在的无政府状态为由拒绝了保释请求。 The court rejected the bail plea, citing concerns of potential anarchy. 印度教团体批评临时政府未能保护少数群体的权利。 Hindu groups criticize the interim government for failing to protect minority rights.