加利福尼亚州萨默塞特在新年节的一次房屋火灾中死亡两人,原因正在调查中。 Two people died in a house fire in Somerset, California, on New Year's Day; cause under investigation.
1月1日凌晨在加利福尼亚El Dorado县萨默塞特发生房屋火灾后,发现两人死亡。 Two people were found dead after a house fire in Somerset, El Dorado County, California, early on January 1st. 紧急救援人员对Mt山的火灾作出反应。 Emergency crews responded to the fire on Mt. Aukum路凌晨3点50分左右,在火焰熄灭后发现受害人在里面。 Aukum Road around 3:50 a.m. and found the victims inside after extinguishing the flames. 火灾原因和死者的身份仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire and identities of the deceased are still under investigation.