研究人员开发了一种新的鼻腔显微膜测试,以更准确地诊断儿童哮喘亚型。 Researchers develop a new nasal swab test to diagnose asthma subtypes in children more accurately.
匹兹堡大学的研究人员发明了一种新的鼻涕结巴测试,以比以前更准确和较少侵入性地诊断儿童特定的哮喘亚型。 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have created a new nasal swab test to diagnose specific asthma subtypes in children more accurately and less invasively than before. 这个测试在JAMA中详细介绍,分析八种具体的基因,可以帮助医生开出更精确的药物,促进治疗选择和研究,特别是研究研究不足的哮喘类型。 This test, detailed in JAMA, analyzes eight specific genes and could help doctors prescribe more precise medications, advancing treatment options and research, especially for under-studied asthma types. 这项研究的重点是波多黎各和非裔美国青年,他们与非西班牙裔白人相比,哮喘发病率和死亡率较高。 The study focused on Puerto Rican and African American youths, who have higher asthma rates and mortality compared to non-Hispanic whites.