RailTel 的股票在获得 784.3 亿卢比的合同后飙升,这是两年内 220% 收益的一部分。 RailTel's stock surged after landing a ₹78.43 crore contract, part of a 220% gain over two years.
RailTel Corporation的股份在从Bharat Coking煤炭有限公司获得关于基于信息技术的安全项目的78.43章合同后上涨。 RailTel Corporation's shares rose after securing a ₹78.43 crore contract from Bharat Coking Coal Limited for an IT-based security project. 该合同为RailTel的光纤网络做出了贡献,增加了该公司的股票,在两年内增加了220%。 The contract, contributing to RailTel's optic fiber network, has boosted the company's stock, which has seen a 220% gain over two years. RailTel是印度主要的电信基础设施提供商,最近升级为“Navratna”地位,提高了决策能力。 RailTel, a major telecom infrastructure provider in India, was recently upgraded to 'Navratna' status, enhancing its decision-making capabilities.