警方在节假日开出863张超速罚单, 但新南威尔士州今年又有4人死于公路事故。 Police issued 863 speeding tickets during holidays, yet NSW saw 4 more road fatalities this year.
在圣诞节和新年节日期间,休梅警察签发了863张超速罚单,向同样数目的人收费,并实行双倍减薪点。 During the Christmas and New Year holiday period, Hume Police issued 863 speeding tickets and charged the same number of people, with double demerit points in effect. 一起值得注意的案件涉及一名29岁的男子,他用多件被盗物品驾驶一辆被盗车辆时被抓获。 One notable case involved a 29-year-old man caught driving a stolen vehicle with multiple stolen items. 尽管作出了这些努力,但新南威尔士州仍发生了10起道路死亡事件,比前一年增加了4起。 Despite these efforts, NSW saw 10 road fatalities, an increase of four from the previous year. 警方强调必须遵守交通规则,确保道路安全。 Police stress the importance of following traffic rules for safer roads.