JovianDSS Up31号的开放E发射,加强了VM管理、安全和网络控制。 Open-E launches JovianDSS Up31, enhancing VM management, security, and network control.
Open-E已经启动了开放-E JovianDSS Up31,这是一个更新的数据储存软件。 Open-E has launched the Open-E JovianDSS Up31, an updated data storage software. 关键强化措施包括:在Proxmox为较容易的 VM 管理提供特邀QEMU代理,在支持Micron 540系列自加密驱动器的情况下加强安全,以及通过虚拟IPS更好地进行iSCSI目标管理的网络控制。 Key enhancements include a Guest QEMU Agent for easier VM management in Proxmox, improved security with support for Micron 540 series Self-Encrypting Drives, and better network control with iSCSI target management through Virtual IPs. 更新内容还包括Linux Kernel 5.15和ZFS 2.2.4,加强硬件兼容性、系统稳定性和储存效率。 The update also features the Linux Kernel 5.15 and ZFS 2.2.4, bolstering hardware compatibility, system stability, and storage efficiency.