Nick Clegg正在从Meta下台,由Joel Kaplan取代,因为该公司正在准备担任Trump主席。 Nick Clegg is stepping down from Meta, replaced by Joel Kaplan as the company prepares for a Trump presidency.
前英国副总理尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)即将离开脸书母公司Meta的全球事务总裁一职。 Former UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is leaving his role as Global Affairs President at Meta, the parent company of Facebook. 他将由乔治·W·布什领导下的前共和党白宫副参谋长乔尔·卡普兰取代。 He will be replaced by Joel Kaplan, a former Republican White House deputy chief of staff under George W. Bush. 这一变化发生在 Meta 为当选总统唐纳德·特朗普领导下的美国新政府做准备之际。 The change comes as Meta prepares for the new US administration under President-elect Donald Trump. 卡普兰以反对限制政治言论而闻名。 Kaplan is known for opposing restrictions on political speech. Kevin Martin, 布什统治下的前公平竞争委员会主席, 也将在公司内扮演新角色。 Kevin Martin, a former FCC chairman under Bush, will also move into a new role within the company.