在马耳他,非政府组织以违反文化遗产法为由,呼吁拆除英国历史军营。 NGOs in Malta appeal demolition of historic British Barracks, citing cultural heritage law violations.
马耳他的非政府组织正在对拆除在尚布雷堡的英国古老军营以建造住宅单元、隔离旅馆和商业设施的决定提出上诉。 NGOs in Malta are appealing the decision to demolish historic British Barracks at Fort Chambray to build residential units, an aparthotel, and commercial facilities. 他们辩称这违反了文化遗产法,并筹集资金支持法律行动。 They argue this violates cultural heritage laws and have raised funds to support legal action. 非政府组织声称规划局的决定忽视了该网站的历史重要性,并暗示可能存在政治勾结。 The NGOs claim the Planning Authority's decision ignores the site's historical importance and suggest there may be political collusion.