马克·沃尔伯格 (Mark Wahlberg) 在 1 月 24 日上映的高风险惊悚片《飞行风险》(Flight Risk) 中饰演一名冒充飞行员的杀手。 Mark Wahlberg stars in "Flight Risk" as a hitman posing as a pilot in a high-stakes thriller releasing January 24.
在即将上映的惊悚片《飞行风险》(Flight Risk)中,马克·沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)扮演一名冒充飞行员运送美国飞机的杀手。 In the upcoming thriller "Flight Risk," Mark Wahlberg plays a hitman posing as a pilot transporting a U.S. 马歇尔(Michelle Dockery) 和一个逃犯(Topher Grace)横跨阿拉斯加 Marshal (Michelle Dockery) and a fugitive (Topher Grace) across Alaska. 随着紧张局势升级和身份认同受到质疑,Wahlberg的性格威胁到船上人员的生命,从而导致高度冒险的生存情景。 As tensions rise and identities are questioned, Wahlberg’s character threatens the lives of those on board, leading to a high-stakes survival scenario. 由Mel Gibson导演, 影片定于2025年1月24日发行。 Directed by Mel Gibson, the film is set to release on January 24, 2025.