一名男子在他的 SUV 在安大略省休伦县撞上一辆运牛卡车后死亡。 A man died after his SUV crashed into a cattle truck in Huron County, Ontario.
一名男子在他的 SUV 与休伦县的一辆运牛卡车相撞后死亡。 A man died after his SUV collided with a cattle truck in Huron County. 安大略省警察 (OPP) 正在调查这起车祸。 The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating the crash. 有关事故原因和碰撞时情况的详细信息尚不清楚。 Details about the cause of the accident and the conditions at the time of the collision are not yet available.