科威特寻求通过大型输油管项目提高石油产量,从中国获得12亿美元的投标。 Kuwait seeks to boost oil production with major pipeline projects, receiving a $1.2 billion bid from China.
科威特计划对主要的石油管道项目进行招标,以提高其石油生产能力和基础设施。 Kuwait plans to tender major oil pipeline projects to enhance its oil production capacity and infrastructure. 一家中国承包商已经为一个12亿美元的石油项目提交了低价投标,这是科威特提高石油产量努力中的一个重要步骤。 A Chinese contractor has already submitted a low bid for a $1.2 billion oil project, marking a significant step in Kuwait's efforts to boost its oil output. 这一发展是科威特维持和扩大管道能力的更广泛战略的一部分,目的是加强其在全球石油市场中的地位。 This development is part of Kuwait's broader strategy to maintain and expand its pipeline capabilities, aiming to strengthen its position in the global oil market.