印度军队派出新的特遣部队 清理贡蒂河 仿照Ganga清理的成功 Indian Army launches new task force to clean Gomti River, mirroring Ganga cleanup success.
印度陆军建立了一个新的工作队来清理Gomti河,这是在其成功的Ganga河清理项目启发下进行的。 The Indian Army has created a new task force to clean the Gomti River, inspired by its successful Ganga River cleanup project. Gomti工作队设在勒克瑙,成员包括退役军人,将从事污染监测、河岸稳定和提高公众认识方案。 Based in Lucknow, the Gomti Task Force includes ex-servicemen and will work on pollution monitoring, riverbank stabilization, and public awareness programs. 该倡议支持印度政府努力改善印度的河流生态系统和水质。 This initiative supports the government's efforts to improve river ecosystems and water quality in India.