由于国民保健制度的等待时间过长,GP警告不要在网上和不受管制地注入危险的体重损失。 GPs warn against dangerous online and unregulated weight-loss injections due to long NHS wait times.
皇家全科医生学院警告不要在网上或从健身房和美容院购买不受管制的减重注射,因为药品和保健产品管理局警告这些产品可能是假的或危险。 The Royal College of GPs warns against buying unregulated weight-loss injections online or from gyms and beauty salons, as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency cautions that these products may be fake or dangerous. 由于国民保健制度的等待时间很长,一些病人正在转向这些危险的替代方案。 Due to long NHS waiting times, some patients are turning to these risky alternatives. 医生们敦促政府改善体重管理服务,并强调在使用这种治疗之前咨询保健服务提供者的重要性。 The GPs urge the government to improve weight management services and stress the importance of consulting healthcare providers before using such treatments.