加纳金海岸大学获得全面自治和最高地位,享有总统宪章。 Ghana's University of Gold Coast gains full autonomy and top-tier status with presidential charter.
加纳黄金海岸大学于2024年12月19日获得《总统宪章》,标志着该大学是拥有充分自主权的顶级大学。 The University of Gold Coast (UGC) in Ghana was granted the Presidential Charter on December 19, 2024, marking it as a top-tier university with full autonomy. 这种最高形式的认证承认了大学理事会在学术规范、领导和创新方面的卓越表现。 This highest form of accreditation recognizes UGC's excellence in academic rigor, leadership, and innovation. 该章程使该大学能够扩大其学术课程并独立运作,旨在培养能对加纳和世界产生积极影响的领导人。 The charter enables the university to expand its academic offerings and operate independently, aiming to cultivate leaders who will impact Ghana and the world positively.