联邦调查局和当地治安官调查了 与新奥尔良卡车袭击有关的 休斯顿北部地区 FBI and local sheriff's team investigate north Houston area linked to New Orleans truck attack.
联邦调查局和哈里斯郡治安官办公室正在休斯敦北部休斯敦 休尔路和新月峰道附近开展行动 与最近在新奥尔良发生的致命卡车袭击有关 The FBI and the Harris County Sheriff's Office are conducting operations in north Houston near Hugh Road and Crescent Peak Drive, related to the recent fatal truck attack in New Orleans. 联邦调查局特种小组也参与其中,并设置了安全防线。 Specialized FBI teams are involved, and a security perimeter has been set up. 由于正在进行的调查,当局正在要求公众避开该地区,但有关行动的进一步细节尚未公布。 Authorities are asking the public to avoid the area due to the ongoing investigation, but further details about the operation are not being released.