Coventry Building Society用780亿英镑购买合作银行,成为联合王国的主要贷款人。 Coventry Building Society buys The Co-operative Bank for £780M, becoming a major UK lender.
Coventry Building Society以7.8亿英镑的价格收购了合作银行,使它成为联合王国十大放贷人,资产为890亿英镑,为大约450万成员和客户服务。 Coventry Building Society has acquired The Co-operative Bank for £780 million, making it a top-ten UK lender with assets of £89 billion and serving about 4.5 million members and customers. 合作银行将继续以其现有名称开展业务,预计不会立即改变服务。 The Co-operative Bank will continue to operate under its current name and no immediate changes to services are expected. 这次收购使银行重新回到共同所有制之下,由David Thorburn、Steve Hughes和Lee Raybould领导。 The acquisition brings the bank back under mutual ownership and is led by David Thorburn, Steve Hughes, and Lee Raybould.