中国卫星网络Spacesail星座成功地为香港附近的一艘游轮提供了互联网服务。 Chinese satellite network Spacesail Constellation successfully provides internet to a cruise ship near Hong Kong.
中国卫星网络Spacesail星座成功测试了香港附近一艘游轮的互联网服务,将其与中国移动号的网络连接起来。 A Chinese satellite network, Spacesail Constellation, has successfully tested internet services for a cruise ship near Hong Kong, connecting it to China Mobile's network. 这一测试凸显了该星座在改善海洋船只互联网接入方面的潜力。 This test highlights the constellation's potential to improve internet access for maritime vessels. 该项目由上海Spacesail技术开发,涉及2024年8月以来发射的54颗卫星。 Developed by Shanghai Spacesail Technologies, the project involves 54 satellites launched since August 2024.