布鲁斯县的火花计划向三名当地旅游企业家提供3 000美元的赠款和辅导。 Bruce County's Spark program awards $3,000 grants and mentorship to three local tourism entrepreneurs.
布鲁斯郡的火花计划 已经向三名企业家 发放了3000美元的赠款 和旅游辅导 在其第六轮。 Bruce County's Spark program has awarded $3,000 grants and tourism mentorship to three entrepreneurs in its sixth round. 获奖者是 Kayakomat、Kincardine 的 Lake Huron Edition、Sauble Beach 的 September Artisan Market 和 Saugeen First Nation 的 Saugeen Glass Works。 The winners are Kayakomat, Lake Huron Edition from Kincardine, September Artisan Market from Sauble Beach, and Saugeen Glass Works from Saugeen First Nation. 该倡议得到布鲁斯县、布鲁斯电力公司和其他区域伙伴的支持,目的是促进该地区的创新和可持续的旅游项目。 The initiative, supported by Bruce County, Bruce Power, and other regional partners, aims to foster innovative and sustainable tourism projects in the area.