Bengaluru Metro的黄线于1月6日获得第一班火车, Bengaluru Metro's Yellow Line gets its first train on January 6th, aiming for monthly deliveries despite delays.
据国会议员 Tejasvi Surya 称,班加罗尔地铁黄线的第一列列车将于 1 月 6 日调度,该线路连接 Jayadeva 医院和电子城等关键地区。 The first train for Bengaluru Metro's Yellow Line, connecting key areas like Jayadeva Hospital and Electronics City, is set to be dispatched on January 6th, according to MP Tejasvi Surya. 第二班火车将在1月底或2月初抵达,第三班预计4月抵达。 The second train will arrive by the end of January or early February, with the third one expected in April. 该线路由于签证并发症等问题而面临延误,计划每月交付一列火车,到9月时增至两列。 The line, facing delays due to issues like visa complications, is planned to have one train delivered monthly, increasing to two by September.