孟加拉总理指控BSF协助孟加拉国渗透者, Bengal's Chief Minister accuses BSF of aiding Bangladeshi infiltrators; BJP calls claims political.
西孟加拉首席部长Mamata Banerjee指控边境安全部队(BSF)为来自孟加拉国的渗透者提供方便, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accuses the Border Security Force (BSF) of facilitating infiltrators from Bangladesh to destabilize her state, claiming the BSF is allowing entry through border areas like Islampur and Sitai. 她打算就此问题写信给中央政府。 She plans to write a letter to the central government about the issue. 印度人民党认为她的指控是毫无根据的, The BJP dismisses her claims as unfounded, suggesting they are politically motivated.