当局调查林肯农村房屋火灾, 可能引发纵火案, Authorities investigate a rural Lincoln house fire as a possible arson case after $300,000 damage.
周四上午林肯农村的一所房屋火灾正在接受兰开斯特县治安官办公室和州消防长官办公室的调查,作为可能的纵火案。 A house fire in rural Lincoln on Thursday morning is under investigation as a possible arson case by the Lancaster County Sheriff's Office and the State Fire Marshal's Office. 火灾摧毁了一座储藏室,估计造成30万美元的损失。 火灾始于空置财产内,被三个部门的消防员扑灭。 The fire, which destroyed a storage home and caused an estimated $300,000 in damage, started inside the vacant property and was extinguished by firefighters from three departments. 该财产在前一天报告了破坏行为。 The property had reported vandalism the day before. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.