澳大利亚开发流动电池,促进可再生能源的储存,面临供应方面的挑战。 Australia develops flow batteries to boost renewable energy storage, facing challenges in vanadium supply.
澳大利亚正在开发流动电池以储存可再生能源,目的是将更多的太阳能和风能纳入其电网。 Australia is developing flow batteries to store renewable energy, aiming to integrate more solar and wind power into its grid. 与常规电池不同,流动电池将能量储存在液体电解液中,提供较长储存时间(最多12小时)和较低的成本。 Unlike conventional batteries, flow batteries store energy in liquid electrolytes, offering longer storage (up to 12 hours) and lower costs. 流电池是一项领先技术,有全球装置,但保障供应是一项挑战。 Vanadium flow batteries are a leading technology, with global installations, but securing vanadium supply is a challenge. 澳大利亚正在投资于新的矿,并探索其他化学设备,如铁铁和锌溴,以支持这一有前途的储存解决方案。 Australia is investing in new vanadium mines and exploring other chemistries like iron-iron and zinc bromide to support this promising storage solution.