果提供免费的TV+接入1月3日至5日,与Silo和其他节目结尾相吻合. Apple offers free TV+ access January 3-5, coinciding with Silo and other show finales.
Apple TV+ 将于 1 月 3 日至 5 日为拥有 Apple ID 的用户提供免费访问,这与正在进行的 Silo 第二季以及 Bad Sisters 和 Shrinking 的结局相吻合。 Apple TV+ will offer free access from January 3rd to 5th for users with an Apple ID, coinciding with the ongoing second season of Silo and finales of Bad Sisters and Shrinking. Wicked:第一部分现在可供购买或租用带有奖金内容的数字平台。 Wicked: Part One is now available for purchase or rent on digital platforms with bonus content. Kardashian人将在2月6日的第六季回到Hulu, 给家庭带来新的挑战和冒险。 The Kardashians will return to Hulu for their sixth season on February 6th, featuring new challenges and adventures for the family.