年轻Bucks,AEW摔跤手, 揭示了他们通过暂时消沉他们的比赛 来重振职业生涯的战略。 The Young Bucks, AEW wrestlers, revealed their strategy to revitalize careers by temporarily dulling their matches.
AEW 的职业摔跤手 Young Bucks 在“Tunnel Talk”播客上讨论了他们最近的脚跟转弯。 The Young Bucks, professional wrestlers in AEW, discussed their recent heel turn on the "Tunnel Talk" podcast. 在20多年的摔跤后,他们试图通过故意淡化他们的比赛和避免通常的高能量动作来振兴自己的职业生涯。 After over 20 years in wrestling, they sought to revitalize their careers by intentionally dulling their matches and avoiding their usual high-energy moves. 这一战略旨在使它们最终恢复高飞行动更具影响。 This strategy aimed to make their eventual return to high-flying action more impactful. 尽管粉丝们最初怀疑,但这对二人对他们的成功仍然充满信心,他们对批评家表示怀疑AEW的长寿. Despite initial doubts from fans, the duo remains confident in their success, addressing critics who doubted AEW's longevity.