《周末》预示着他的音乐三部曲 与“末日临近”全球广告牌的结束。 The Weeknd signals the end of his music trilogy with "The End Is Near" billboards globally.
加拿大歌手 The Weeknd 在全球主要城市的广告牌上显示“The End Is Near”,暗示了一个时代的结束。 Canadian singer The Weeknd has hinted at the end of an era with billboards showing "The End Is Near" in major cities worldwide. 这些广告牌使用不同职业阶段的字体, 与他在推特上展示他从2012年专辑“Therical”到即将出版的“Hurry up tomorrow”的八个职业生涯时代相吻合。 These billboards, using fonts from different career phases, coincide with his tweet showcasing eight eras of his career, from his 2012 album "Trilogy" to his upcoming "Hurry Up Tomorrow." 专辑是他三部曲的最后一张专辑 于1月24日发布 在1月25日 洛杉矶玫瑰碗体育场 开着一晚上一次的音乐会 The album, the last in his trilogy, releases on January 24, with a one-night-only concert at LA's Rose Bowl Stadium on January 25.