北方邦部长指责 STF 对促销指控进行威胁,否认了这些说法。 Uttar Pradesh minister accuses STF of threats over promotion allegations, denying claims.
Uttar Pradesh部长Ashish Patel指控国家特别工作组(STF)密谋对付他, 并威胁他的生命, Uttar Pradesh minister Ashish Patel accused the state's Special Task Force (STF) of plotting against him and threatening his life over allegations of irregularities in promotions within his technical education department. 他与世隔绝的嫂子帕拉维·帕特尔(Pallavi Patel)(Pallavi Patel)是一位政治竞争对手,他提出了这些指控。 His estranged sister-in-law, Pallavi Patel, a rival politician, made these accusations. Ashish否认了这些指控,暗示了一个政治阴谋,并要求进行CBI调查。 Ashish denied the claims, suggesting a political conspiracy and calling for a CBI probe. 这场争端凸显了北方邦 OBC 社区内部的紧张局势。 The dispute highlights tensions within the OBC community in Uttar Pradesh.