两名男子在澳大利亚被捕,因为他们在野火疏散期间移动了一次大型大麻行动。 Two men were arrested in Australia for moving a large cannabis operation during a bushfire evacuation.
两名男子在澳大利亚维多利亚的圣诞节前夕被捕,罪名是企图将一次大型大麻行动从丛林火疏散区移出。 Two men were arrested on Christmas Eve in Victoria, Australia, for attempting to move a large cannabis operation out of a bushfire evacuation zone. 警方在卡车和家中发现了成熟的大麻植物,导致对种植麻醉药品植物和处理犯罪收益的指控。 Police discovered mature cannabis plants in a truck and at a home, leading to charges of cultivating narcotic plants and dealing with proceeds of crime. 嫌犯分别为36和37岁,将于1月2日在巴拉拉特治安法院出庭。 The suspects, aged 36 and 37, will appear in Ballarat Magistrates' Court on January 2.