Tina Knowles, Beyoncé的妈妈, 讨论《Vogue》播客在争议中的社交媒体混杂问题。 Tina Knowles, Beyoncé's mom, discusses social media mix-ups on Vogue's podcast amid controversy.
Tina Knowles, Beyoncé的母亲在《Vogue》的播客中讨论她的社交媒体习惯, Tina Knowles, Beyoncé's mother, discussed her social media habits on Vogue's podcast, revealing she sometimes mistakenly likes negative posts about her family due to using voice-to-text. 在她似乎喜欢一个指控Jay-Z强奸的文章后,她面临争议,她声称强奸是由于黑客账户造成的。 She faced controversy after seemingly liking a post accusing Jay-Z of rape, which she claims was due to a hacked account. Jay-Z已否认这些指控。 Jay-Z has denied the allegations. Jay-Z和她孙女Blue Ivy都向她提供正确使用社交媒体的建议。 Both Jay-Z and her granddaughter, Blue Ivy, offer her advice on using social media correctly. Knowles将于2025年4月发布回忆录。 Knowles is set to release a memoir in April 2025.