瑞士集团提议修改宪法,将比特币持有在国家银行储备中。 Swiss group proposes constitutional change to hold Bitcoin in national bank reserves.
瑞士的一个团体由互联网先驱Yves Bennaïm牵头, 提出修改瑞士宪法的提案, 要求瑞士国家银行(SNB)在Bitcoin拥有部分储备。 A group in Switzerland, led by internet pioneer Yves Bennaïm, has initiated a proposal to amend the country's constitution, requiring the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to hold part of its reserves in Bitcoin. SNB过去曾对比特币表示怀疑。 The SNB has previously shown skepticism towards Bitcoin. 该倡议在《联邦公报》上公布,旨在引发关于这一主题的辩论。 The initiative, published in the Federal Gazette, aims to spark debate on the topic.