斯里兰卡教授批评政府在严重短缺和腐败的情况下缺乏明确的经济政策, Sri Lanka's professor criticizes government for lacking clear economic policies amid severe shortages and corruption.
斯里兰卡的Priyanga Dunusinghe教授警告说,全国人民政权(NPP)行政当局缺乏明确的经济政策和行动计划。 Sri Lanka's Professor Priyanga Dunusinghe warns that the National People's Power (NPP) administration lacks a clear economic policy and action plan. 他说政府关注的焦点是日常问题,而不是必要的经济改革。 He says the government focuses on daily issues rather than necessary economic reforms. 国家人民党必须遵守《经济转型法案》和货币基金组织的一项协议,以解决严重的经济问题,如稻米短缺和据称的腐败。 The NPP must adhere to the Economic Transformation Bill and an IMF agreement to address severe economic issues like rice shortages and alleged corruption.