向84岁的Faye Schaefer发了银警报,他失踪在Minot,最后一次见到他是在银色的Nissan Rogue。 Silver Alert issued for 84-year-old Faye Schaefer, missing from Minot, last seen in a silver Nissan Rogue.
已对 84 岁的 Faye Schaefer 发出银色警报,她于 12 月 30 日在北达科他州迈诺特失踪。 A Silver Alert has been issued for 84-year-old Faye Schaefer, who went missing on December 30 in Minot, North Dakota. 她身高5尺3寸 体重150磅 头发灰色 眼睛蓝 She is 5'3", weighs 150 lbs, has gray hair, and blue eyes. Faye据信身着2019年银色的Nissan Rogue,车牌号为ND 591 AUK。 Faye is believed to be in a silver 2019 Nissan Rogue with ND plates 591 AUK. 由于可能早发性痴呆和需要每日药物治疗,她可能面临风险。 She may be at risk due to possible early-onset dementia and needing daily medication. 公众被要求与Minot警察局联系(701)852-0111。 The public is asked to contact the Minot Police Department at (701) 852-0111 if seen.