Planet Fitness 在蒙大拿州和怀俄明州的假期后每天都有新会员激增。 Planet Fitness sees daily new memberships surge in Montana and Wyoming post-holidays.
自今年年初以来,蒙大拿和怀俄明的地球健身健身健身房的新成员激增,每天有近20名新成员加入。 Planet Fitness gyms in Montana and Wyoming are seeing a surge in new memberships since the start of the year, with nearly 20 new members signing up daily. 业务主任David Leon Jr.指出,这一趋势通常会达到高峰,直到3月,因为人们在周日后寻找建设性活动。 This trend, noted by David Leon Jr., Director of Operations, typically peaks until March as people look for constructive activities post-holidays. 在此期间,健身房的入住人数增加了一倍. Gyms are experiencing double the usual volume at check-ins during this period.