新南威尔士州的养蜂人敦促支持新的商业养蜂人,以确保行业生存。 NSW beekeepers urge support for new commercial beekeepers to ensure industry survival.
在新南威尔士州,像Zac Alcock和Kerrie-Ann Egner这样的养蜂人正在倡导更多的商业养蜂人,以确保养蜂业的生存。 In New South Wales, beekeepers like Zac Alcock and Kerrie-Ann Egner are advocating for more commercial beekeepers to ensure the industry's survival. 第三代养蜂人Alcock和经营成功的蜂蜜业的Egner都强调教育和资源对新养蜂人的重要性。 Alcock, a third-generation beekeeper, and Egner, who runs a successful honey business, both emphasize the importance of education and resources for new beekeepers. 它们还强调让儿童参与培养对养蜂的热情,这对该行业的未来至关重要。 They also stress involving children to instill a passion for beekeeping, which is crucial for the industry's future.